The Asia Pacific region is not as peaceful as the name implies. Although the risks of interstate conflicts. Ethnic, political and religious tensions, often marked by separatist rebellion, terrorism or ethnic cleansing, periodically dominate news from Southern Thailand, Southern Philippines, Sri Lanka, and a number of regions in Indonesia and the Pacific. Like terrorism and nuclear proliferation, violent internal conflicts are increasingly being seen as a global security issue.
In this volume, prominent Asian and Western academics and conflict specialists focus on the ofte ncomplex histories, causes, and trajectories of violent internal conflicts and evaluate the critical options policy makers have for coping with them. Drawn from universities, research centres and non governmental organisations, the writers offer diverse perspectives on one of the pressing issues of the twenty-first century.
Asvi Warman Adam, LIPI, Jakarta
Ikrar Nusa Bhakti, LIPI, Jakarta
Helene Bouvier, CNRS, Paris
Kevin Clements, University of Queensland, Brisbane
Freek Colombijn, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
Robert Cribb, Australian National University, Canberra
Dewi Fortuna Anwar, LIPI, Jakarta
Kees van Dijk, KITLV, Leiden
Marc Gaborieau, CNRS, Paris
Johan Galtung, TRANSCEND, Versonnex
Eva-Lotta E. Hedman, Refugee Research Centre, Oxford University
Sidney Jones, International Crisis Group, Jakarta
Thung Ju Lan, LIPI, Jakarta
Timo Kivimaki, Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, Copenhagen
Gerry van Klinken, KITLV, Leiden
Samuel Lee, APCEIU-UNESCO, Seoul
Nono Anwar Makarim, Aksara Foundation, Jakarta
Ichsan Malik, University of Indonesia, Jakarta
R. J. May, Australian National University, Canberra
Jehan Perera, National Peace Council of Sri Lanka, Colombo
Glenn Smith, LASEMA, Paris
Frances Stewart, Oxford University
Leo Suryadinata, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore
Riwanto Tirtosudarmo, LIPI, Jakarta
Santiago Villaveces-Izquierdo, ICITAP, Jakarta
Dewi Fortuna Anwar is research professor and deputy chairman for social sciences and humanities at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Jakarta.
Helene Bouvier is researcher at the Laboratoire Asie du Sud-Est et Monde Austronesien, French National Centre For Scientific Research, Paris.
Glenn Smith is researcher at the Laboratoire Asie du Sud-Est et Monde Austronesien, Paris.
Roger Tol is director of KITLV-Jakarta, the representative office in Indonesia of the Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies.
Info Buku | |
ISBN | 979-461-514-5 |
Dimensi | 16 x 24 cm |
Jenis Cover | Soft Cover |
Jenis Kertas | Bookpaper |
Berat | 750 gram |
Jumlah Halaman | xviii + 418 hlm |
Tahun Terbit | 2005 |
Penerbit | Yayasan Obor Indonesia |
Violent Internal Conflicts In Asia Pacific: Histories, Political Economies and Policies
- Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia
- Penulis: Dewi Fortuna Anwar, Helene Bouvier, Gleen Smith, Roger Tol
- Ketersediaan: Tersedia
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Tags: Violent Internal Conflicts In Asia Pacific: Histories, Political Economies and Policies