• THE HUMAN ELEMENTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE: Life Stories of Four Environmental Changemakers in Indonesia

How did Indonesia, once the epicenter of tropical deforestation, become a model for environmental governance? Through the stories of four leading Indonesians, we explore how individuals can change systems to benefit nature and society. The four Indonesians show how expertise, commitment, and strategic opportunism can solve environmental harm.  Wahjudi Wardojo, a forester, shows how committed bureaucrats can drive positive change from within the system. Achmad Santosa, Indonesia’s leading environmental lawyer, in contrast, shows the importance of legal changes to enable positive environmental change. Daddy Ruhiyat, tells a different story, of how to build alliances among governments, companies, civil society, and communities to achieve local change. Finally, Sulistyowati Irianto, emphasizes how improving gender and indigenous rights through education and activism can lead to a healthier environment.

Info Buku
ISBN 978-623-6421-85-7
Dimensi 14.5 x 21 cm
Jenis Cover Soft Cover
Jenis Kertas Bookpaper
Berat 200 gram
Jumlah Halaman 182 hlm
Tahun Terbit 2024
Penerbit PT. Pustaka Obor Indonesia

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THE HUMAN ELEMENTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE: Life Stories of Four Environmental Changemakers in Indonesia

  • Rp.90.000

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