• Flora of Bali: An Annotated Checklist
Indonesia as a megadiversity country need a comprehensive flora. This book represent a checklist of the Flora of Bali which can be valuable for the university students studying forestry, agriculture and biology and the general public who use plants in their daily life for ceremonial purposes, local cosmetics or traditional food or beverage. This checklist can be used as the basic information on writing a  Flora of Bali to fill in the gap in preparing Flora of Indonesia.  It is expected that this preliminary check list can be used for research purposes in taxonomy, ecology, ethnobotany or even bioprospecting of the Flora of Bali.  

This checklist consist of Fungi  (Basidiomycota and Glomeromycota), Bryophyta (Musci dan Hepaticae) and Plantae (Pteridophyte and Spermatophyte) Kingdom.  Each family consist of species with the citation of the references, recent uses of synonym and also the specimen examined. Some specimens examined are lacking, probably because the specimens are not available, so more collection are urgently needed. It is expected that the book on FLORA OF BALI will be available in the next 5 years, so that the ecosystem functioning and provision of ecosystem services for human wellbeing can be established. This book will benefit the local government in managing the local flora diversity especially those species, which are very special for  endemic to Bali. Such information will insure food security, human health, and availability of clean water, and will contribute to the local welfare and economic development to achieve the Millenium Development Goals, including the poverty reduction. It is also expected that the knowledge and information of the local flora will be also benefit the local livelihood, and also in understanding the biodiversity and sustainable development, and ecosystem for the Balinese livelihood.
Info Buku
ISBN 978-979-461-852-3
Dimensi 21x29,7 cm
Jenis Cover Softcover
Jenis Kertas Book Paper
Berat 300 gram
Jumlah Halaman ix+158 halaman
Tahun Terbit 2013
Penerbit Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia bekerjasama dengan

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Flora of Bali: An Annotated Checklist

  • Penulis: Deden Girmansyah, Yessi Santika, Atik Retnowati, d
  • Ketersediaan: Out Of Stock
  • Rp.0

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