• Applications of the Policy Analysis Matrix in Indonesia Agriculture

This book is written for Indonesian policy analyssts and policy makers and for students and practitioners of agricultural policy in Indonesian universitics. The purpose is to introduce a method of economic analysis to evaluate public invesment project and public policies in the agricultural sector. An approach called the policy Analysis Matrix (PAM) is designed to serve that purpose. The PAM approach has been used widely to analyze Indonesian agricultural issues. In this book, the authors explain the conceptual essence of the PAM method, provide recent case studies of PAM analysis in Indonesian agricultural, and give is to make the PAM method easily accessible for wide use in Indonesia.


Info Buku
ISBN 979-461-508-0
Dimensi 14 x 21 cm
Jenis Cover Softcover
Jenis Kertas HVS
Berat 550g
Jumlah Halaman 384h
Tahun Terbit 2004
Penerbit Yayasan Obor Indonesia

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Applications of the Policy Analysis Matrix in Indonesia Agriculture

  • Penulis: Scott Pearson, Carl Gotsch, Sjaiful Bahri (editor)
  • Ketersediaan: Tersedia
  • Rp.80.000

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Tags: Applications, the Policy, Analysis, Matrix, Indonesia, Agriculture, Scott Pearson, Carl Gotsch, Sjaiful Bahri

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